Composer: Henrique Coe
Bass clarinet: Thiago Tavares
Concert: 26th November 2016 (Panorama da Música Brasileira Atual)
Palácio da Justiça (Rio de Janeiro)
Program Note:
Filius Prodigus, for bass clarinet, was composed in 2015 based on the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-31). The duration of the piece is of approximately 7’30’’.
The Introduction (m. 1-17) shows a happy ambiance at the father’s house. Part A (m. 18-81), Largo, presents the younger son away from his father’s house and his consequent grief, expressed by multiphonics. A transition to part B (m. 82-97) may be associated to the return of the younger son and the run with compassion of his father towards him. Part B (m. 98-125) shows the father’s merry reception, having forgiven his contrite son. A multiphonic (m. 124-125), showing the envy of the elder son, brings back tension to the piece. Part C (m. 126-190) refers to this tension and to the dialogue between the father and his elder son. The festive ambiance returns at the end of the piece, part B’ (m. 191-216), showing the happiness of the father for having his young son back. A Coda (m. 217-end), reminding the Introduction, reinforces the festive ambiance.
The world premiere of Filius Prodigus was performed by Peter Stoll on the 15th March 2016 at the University of Toronto (Canada). Thiago Tavares performed the Brazilian premiere on the 22nd November 2016 at UNIRIO in Rio de Janeiro, and he also performed it on the 26th November 2016 at Palácio da Justiça (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) at Panorama da Música Brasileira Atual. Stephanie Clark performed the U.S. premier on the 27th January 2018 at The Record Company in Boston in a concert organized by The Boston New Music Initiative.